Enlisted - Shitload of fun!

I’ve never been a sitcom guy, especially when it comes to the home themed crazy stories. But I always remember childhood spent with M*A*S*H. It was gorgeous explosion of a humour or bizarre situations and it’s timeless portrait of the Korean war. Maybe because of military theme or just because of excellent writing, I simply love that series and can watch it almost every time. And now, I can watch new series as well. Enlisted is the same portion of humour, just in the new packaging and with the stars of current comedy scene.

People behind Enlisted headed by Kevin Biegel are experienced guys who know, what is funny and what is just embarrassing.

People behind Enlisted headed by Kevin Biegel are experienced guys who know, what is funny and what is just embarrassing. There is straight line and great actors and writers never cross it. What’s more, script manages to connect military culture and normal guys like me. There isn’t any serious story full of blood, but just humorous narration about Rear D unit in California. It means, that you can empathize with characters really easily and you’ll love them since first episode. “Those guys aren’t even soldiers,” shouts main character during the first episode and that’s real advantage of Enlisted. I’m sure it’s disconnected from reality as hell, but at least it’s portrayal of army I would like to experience.


But despite the fact, that majority of situational humour is build on the truly bizarre, perverse or just absurd moments, creators are discovering some serious and real stuff too. It’s not so frequent like in M*A*S*H, but you can still sense some psychological or just social overlaps, like PTSD or normal brethren problems. But emotions flow smoothly together with the jokes and story is sliding towards farce and pathos only exceptionally. All of that is possible because of solid actors. Main character is supposed to be Sgt. Pete Hill acted by Geoff Stults, but the most amazing one is definitely his younger brother Randy featured by Parker Young. I was really satisfied with actors and their overall performance at all. They aren’t Hollywood’s biggest stars of course, but who cares. They are likeable and entertaining and that’s important.

I really love this Rear D unit and you should give them a chance, because it’s very likely that you will love them too

Actually, the same could be said about the whole series so far. Creators managed to present us entertaining show full of gorgeous humour even despite the small budget and supersaturated genre. I really love this Rear D unit and you should give them a chance, because it’s very likely that you will love them too. They are charming badass dudes!


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Operation Supply Drop - The story of a man who sends games into war

On the first day of this year, I experienced amazing interview with former Ranger and big videogame fan Stephen Machuga. This man just skipped first family launch of the year and instead of that spend some time with me telling his... Continue →