Daniel Kremser

Student, journalist, military freak and everlasting critic of almost everything!

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Deckard’s three

For the last few months, I was lost in the world of war memoires and literature of fact. Honestly, I kind of couldn’t find the right mood for some fictional book and really preferred actual memories of real guys. That changed when I noticed Jack Murphy’s books just laying on the table and waiting for me. I bought them long time ago and simply forget about them. And do you know what, it was a big mistake. It was mistake, because Deckard’s badass stories and author’s lightweight style of combining actual experiences and fiction made me interested in fictional books once again.

Art of the straightforward narration

I’ve already mentioned name Deckard, who is main hero of all 3 books (Reflexive Fire, Target Deck, Direct Action) and one of the most badass dudes I’ve ever read about. Same as Jack, he is former soldier, who is now in charge of the private military company called Samruk...

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Soldiers, PTSD and videogames

A few months ago, I posted short blog post about Stephen Machuga and his initiative. His story was part of a bigger article, I have written for Czech gaming magazine and I can finally show you whole picture. Unfortunatelly only for guys, who can speak Czech.
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Afghanistan: On the Bounce - review

I love photography and consider it as the second most powerful medium right after the written word. There is something almost spiritual about photos and you can express many emotions with photography. Actually, it is more variable and interesting then just video, but still perfectly able to capture unique moments in our lifetimes. Because of that, I totally love war photos and honestly really look up to that guys with cameras, who are willing to became war reporters from the first lines of the wars. One of them is Robert Cunningham, who is now presenting us gorgeous journey through the all aspects of the soldier’s life in the Afghanistan.

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Almost every superlative can be used for describing Afghanistan: On the Bounce. Gorgeous, amazing, astonishing? Yeah, definitely! On the more than 180 pages, there is not even one bad photography and everything is picked with meticulous care. Even...

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300: Rise of the Empire - review

The 300 is really famous comic book by Frank Miller, which enchanted many lovers of blood and artistic violence. There are no doubts, that 300 is one of the most successful and nice comics of all times and from 2006, it’s unique movie series, which is following Miller’s legacy with meticulous accuracy too. Or maybe series is not the right, because until now, there was just one movie and we had to wait for 300: Rise of the Empire for more than 7 years. But do you know what? The second 300 is worthy of waiting and you’ll truly enjoy it!

The story of the second 300 is almost incredible and it was so close to cancelation for several times. But in the end, Bosses from Warner Bros. came to one’s senses and they made possible one of the most unique and visually engaging movie of the year. This movie doesn’t have famous actors or well known director, but it has straight vision and it’s done...

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New watches - limited edition for Czech soldiers

I just bought new watches manufactured by Swiss company Luminox. It is limited edition of 100 pieces, every with unique number. These watches are dedicated to Czech soldier Jiri REGI Schams, who was injured in Afghanistan by bomb explosion in 2008. Part of the proceeds from the sales will go to him and another really bad injured veteran from Afghanistan, who was attacked in Helmand province by rocket in 2012 - Lukas HIRO Hirka.

Design and the whole construction is based on regular Luminox 3051. Only modifications are inscription “REGI” on the dial and special rear part with number in the 100 pieces collection. Because of that, it’s really nice watches with cool minimalist design inspired by army life as all Luminox watches. The most unique thing on this watches is watch band. It’s NATO watch strap in special NATO DESERT TAN color. Luminox doesn’t sell straps in this color regularly and...

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Ukraine and hypocrisy

Ukraine is big deal now and I’m sure, you already heard something about blood bath in Kiev or hypocritical quibble of the free world. Because of that, I won’t waste time. All you need to know is that there are riots in Ukraine, lots of death people, almost burned capital city and pretty serious political problem. Some parts of country aren’t satisfied with foreign policy of legally elected president Viktor Janukovyč and one fucking and ambitious ex-boxer would like to be a leader of democratic country. Simply said, just a big shit and you can find plenty of “professional” analysis about the whole situation. I want to speak about something else. After all, I’m not expert, I’m just one pissed man who disagree with the whole world. Instead of reasons and consequences of situation, I want to speak about simple questions of guilt, dignity and fucking hypocrisy.

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When Viktor Janukovyč...

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Enlisted - Shitload of fun!

I’ve never been a sitcom guy, especially when it comes to the home themed crazy stories. But I always remember childhood spent with M*A*S*H. It was gorgeous explosion of a humour or bizarre situations and it’s timeless portrait of the Korean war. Maybe because of military theme or just because of excellent writing, I simply love that series and can watch it almost every time. And now, I can watch new series as well. Enlisted is the same portion of humour, just in the new packaging and with the stars of current comedy scene.

People behind Enlisted headed by Kevin Biegel are experienced guys who know, what is funny and what is just embarrassing.

People behind Enlisted headed by Kevin Biegel are experienced guys who know, what is funny and what is just embarrassing. There is straight line and great actors and writers never cross it. What’s more, script manages to connect military culture...

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Operation Supply Drop - The story of a man who sends games into war

On the first day of this year, I experienced amazing interview with former Ranger and big videogame fan Stephen Machuga. This man just skipped first family launch of the year and instead of that spend some time with me telling his lifetime story and talking about his inspiring project. He experienced 13 months in Iraq, done some serious stuff with Russian army in Kosovo and fought in Afghanistan. As Captain, he had responsibility for a whole IAV Stryker crew. He finally got out in 2006, after 8 years of service. But he’s still fighting. Rifle just was changed for videogames, t-shirts and a large number of packages or better to say Supply Drops.


Man who was saved by games

Basically, Operation Supply Drop is charity campaign, which is focused on sending entertaining stuff to soldiers serving overseas. Recipients are mostly from Afghanistan and Iraq and it could be games, clothing...

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Outlaw Platoon - review

In 2006 at the age of 24, U.S. Army Ranger Sean Parnell was deployed in Afghanistan and had to act like brother, friend and commander. He became leader of platoon, which earned countless honors and experienced true war in the area between Afghanistan and Pakistan. This one particular platoon got nickname “Outloows” and this is their story. Moving and brilliant war memoirs, which will not let you a sleep! It’s almost unbelievable how intense and emotionally fulfilling narration is presented to you and still it’s reality.

Main advantage of this book is used language and combination of describing actual experience with informative parts about army, technology and guns. Parnell is “just another boy” in the war, so his narration is straight and non cryptogamous. There aren’t any hidden meanings and just a few philosophical reflections. Briefly stated just strong and fair story, which...

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Murph: The Protector - review

Murph was just another extraordinary guy, who stepped forward because he wanted to defend his family and nation. He made the biggest sacrifice for his brothers-in-arms and in his own way defined the courage. He’s another honorable hero–one of the greatest–and he hasn’t been praised until now. The new short documentary film, created by Scott Mactavish, brings this inspiring story to everyone.

In the world of documentary film, there are just as many bad ones as good ones. Thankfully, Murph’s story is the second option. It’s an emotionally strong narration, paved by dialogues with his family and friends. Yeah, that’s all, just dialogue and family photos! But it’s enough. When you hear about this smart guy, who could have been a lawyer and instead, he chose to become a Navy SEAL. Scott Mactavish literally forces you to think about this extraordinary brotherhood, and through questions he...

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