Ukraine and hypocrisy

Ukraine is big deal now and I’m sure, you already heard something about blood bath in Kiev or hypocritical quibble of the free world. Because of that, I won’t waste time. All you need to know is that there are riots in Ukraine, lots of death people, almost burned capital city and pretty serious political problem. Some parts of country aren’t satisfied with foreign policy of legally elected president Viktor Janukovyč and one fucking and ambitious ex-boxer would like to be a leader of democratic country. Simply said, just a big shit and you can find plenty of “professional” analysis about the whole situation. I want to speak about something else. After all, I’m not expert, I’m just one pissed man who disagree with the whole world. Instead of reasons and consequences of situation, I want to speak about simple questions of guilt, dignity and fucking hypocrisy.

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When Viktor Janukovyč slammed the door right in face of the European Union, and jumped into bed with Russia, I was quite surprised. But I was able to understand his motivations. The EU is a big mess and Ukraine needed true help, not just bunch of talking guys who can only speak and vote on nonsense. But I understand disagreement of the Western parts of the country, too. I had no problem with their peaceful protests at all. In fact, I favored either side. Ukraine is far away and did not concern me at all. Until last week, when the peaceful protests changed into ruthless acts of violence, and the evidence that one side of the conflict doesn’t deserve any support. At least, they don’t deserve mine!

For more than a week, I’m reading almost everywhere the tales about heroes in golden armor who came for freedom. About peaceful creatures, who don’t have any other choice, than to come to main Kiev square and take the law into their own hands. Almost every newspaper report is about a black and white world of good rioters and bad government and it simply pisses me off. It isn’t true at all! You can say that I’m a mad man who supports a ruthless dictator, but I can oppose you really easily. How? Well, I’m speaking about legally elected government, which didn’t cross the line of law and their only mistake was that they tried to avoid main economic problems. And you are speaking about a bunch of dissatisfied people, who just crossed the line of the law, committed awful crimes, and now the whole world praises them as heroes.

With this small piece, I’d like to highlight the incredible hypocrisy of the whole Western World, including Barack Obama, the United Nations, and the European Union. The Czech government too, of course. The whole Western World says that we should just overthrow governments and adore a group of criminals. They are saying these protestors didn’t do anything bad at all, and my question is: How the hell they can say something like that? I consider people who are killing policemen, pouring fuel on them and then burning them to death, or looting barracks and then shooting the riot units, to be criminals. But in this case, I should consider them as heroes? For God’s sake, why? Why the hell are policemen considered bad just because they defend legal government and law and rioters as the good ones?

I heard ideas that they are same as heroes of Independence War or French Revolution, but I can’t disagree with this opinion more. Firstly, this isn’t 18th century, and secondly, people in Kiev don’t fight for basic and natural rights. They fight because they want power and want to enforce their ideas, despite the laws. Just try to imagine that you would disagree with controlled arms. Would you take your gun, go to DC and you shoot policemen? Would you call yourself or other people who would do that heroes and fighters for a good cause? Just think about it for a moment!

And it’s not just about that. Another reason why I don’t believe in the opposition at all is their attitude to all deals and proposals. They rejected a deal which could prevent violence, and then they violated the peace agreement twice. Now, tell me how you want these people to run a free democratic country and why I should believe them. In my eyes, they are just untrustworthy dirtbags who can’t even control their own rioters… I just can’t respect someone who kills policemen with family only because they do their job. Moreover, who beats him to death. These people want to become part of European Union and run a democratic country. And what is more ridiculous, we would allow it and would be their friends. Just fuck me, but this isn’t right at all, same as whole the European Union´s attitude.

That is my problem with the whole Ukraine revolution! It’s ruthless lunacy! Maybe I can partly agree with their ideas, but the way the rioters picked to execute them is disgusting. And, to be honest, I think they deserve to end up in jail. Because if you do things like the Ukraine rioters and then use a good cause as shield, you should be damned. You can deem me as an antidemocratic asshole, but if you believe in these idiots on the square in Kiev, you are an even bigger one.


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